• HP 700

    HP 700 - refined tube technology and intelligent module technology make this precursor future-proof. A tube preamplifier that features innovative precision technology and, thanks to its modular freedom, meets the listener's individual demands on his music wishes.


    Available colors: Silver or Black

    The listener no longer has to come to terms with the sound and technical characteristics of the device, but the technology of the HP700 can be adjusted to the needs and preferences of the listener. The result is THE sound, the optimal sound result for the individual hi-fi system and the individual listener. THE NEXT STEP – A big step towards the ideal of all music lovers.


    Three gain settings and the switchable output impedance enable the HP 700 to be perfectly and sensitively adjusted to the properties of the playback chain. The gain adjustment in three levels allows the volume control to be optimally adjusted to the efficiency of the loudspeaker. For properties of the cables, length and cable capacity, as well as for the input sensitivity of the power amplifier, the optimal setup can be found by choosing the output impedance and thus the output current.


    The HP 700's external power supply unit, in conjunction with the newly developed, highly precise and low-noise stabilization of the supply voltages, ensures sound consistency even in the event of strong fluctuations and disruptions in the mains voltage. In addition, the built-in control logic guarantees the highest operational reliability and, with the help of our exclusive soft-start techniques, achieves a service life of the device and the tubes of up to 20 years.


    The multi-channel bypass function allows the HP700 to be integrated into an existing home theater combination. The logic-controlled input selection circuit allows the bypass function to be selected for an XLR or RCA input on the rear panel. The HT signal is output at all three outputs.


    The refined design of the HP 700 places the highest demands on the power supply. The external power supply is magnetically shielded and supplies the HP 700 with clean voltage conditions. The shielding is also essential for the low-hum and low-noise function of the Phono MC input.




    Two freely selectable optional input modules supplement the connection options of the already lavishly equipped series model. From the MC step up transformer to the XLR input module, also using transformer technology - an optimally suitable input module can also be used for unusual cases. The “Plug and Play” modules can be installed or retrofitted at any time.


    Next-step technology also in the redesign of the Phono RIAA amplifier. The further development of the RIAA stage increases the signal-to-noise ratio while simultaneously reducing system-related equalization errors. Increasing the bandwidth enables precise RIAA equalization and explores the full potential of analog playback. Thanks to the variety of optional input modules, the optimal input can be installed for each pickup.


    The innovative optional control unit completes the features of the HP 700. The precision tone controller in tube technology guarantees sound consistency, even at low levels. Precise bass and treble corrections with a channel difference of 0.3dB enable tonal corrections without affecting spatial reproduction.


    The frequency-compensated balance control enables channel-separate level adjustment in 1 dB steps. Its technology eliminates control-related sound changes. The setting with a 12-pole step switch is stable over the long term and has 100% repeat accuracy.


    Manual activation of the outputs allows output in multiple zones. Whether playback is provided via XLR, RCA or on all outputs simultaneously, a total of three power amplifiers can be used for separate rooms, different speakers or for BI and TRI amping.


    The optional, frequency-compensated 47-pin step switch ends the discussion about the control's sonic influence on the quality of the music signal. The channel deviation is beyond any doubt at 0.1dB. With the controller design we developed, the frequency bandwidth remains constant across the entire control range and controller-related distortions are reduced to a barely measurable level.
    However, due to the mechanical design of the switch, it is not possible to control the switch positions with the remote control.

    General facts

    Basic model HP 700 Line
    Options Phono RIAA unit, 8 input modules, stepped attenuator, control module
    Design Silver or Black
    Tube complement Line: ECC82, 2 x EF800; Phono: ECC83, ECC81, ECC88; Control module: ECC88
    Connections Inputs: 5 x Line Level RCA, 1 x Phono optional 1 x XLR Input Outputs:1 x Rec Pre-Out and Main-In, Master In and Master Out
    Dimensions preamplifier / Power Supply 462 x 130 x 480 mm / 110 x 90 x 277 mm (W x H x D)
    Weight Preamplifier / Power Supply 10.0 kg / 3.8 kg


    Externes Netzteil External power supply
    Soft Start
    Gain selectable in 3 levels Adaptation to the efficiency of the speaker


    Amplification factor Gain High 25 dB = 18.5
    Frequency range Gain Med-Cinch 10 Hz – 200 kHz -0.3 dB, 1.3 MHz -6 dB
    Distortion Factor, Gain Low, Med, High 0.01% at 3V on 10 kOhm
    External voltage distance Gain Med - 104 dB / 18µV related to 3 V output voltage

    Frequency response:

    Frequency response and gain line stage in gain low (12dB), med (18dB) and high (25.5dB) positions.


    Line stage hum and noise level:

    Even when measuring the noise level, no network influences are visible; the noise level decreases linearly by 6 dB each time the gain is adjusted.


    FFT spectrum:

    Comparison of the interference spectrum RCA and XLR. There are no network influences on both outputs. The spectrum of the harmonics K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 falls evenly linearly on both outputs.


    Phono frequency response with and without subsonic filter:

    The frequency range without a subsonic filter is very linear and exceptionally deep (red curve). With the subsonic filter (magenta curve), there is no limitation of bass reproduction due to the low corner frequency (-3 dB at 15 Hz).


    Control characteristics of the tone controller:

    The control range includes the area between the red and blue curves. The precisely adjustable controls allow settings in the 1 dB range based on the scaling. One division line corresponds to 4 dB increase or decrease.

    Control range and frequency response balance controller:

    The compensated balance pre-controller shows practically the same frequency response at all settings.



    Testbericht 11/2014

    HP700 Review from HIFI Magazine live
    Spain - Hifi Magazine live - November 2014

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    Testbericht 06/2016

    "Diese Verstärker können einfach alles, die internationalen Auszeichnungen für die bisherigen Flaggschiffe werden sich noch verstärkt wiederholen. Traumhaft. Ich habe – und das gilt uneingeschränkt von Adele über Mozart bis ZZ Top – sehr selten so gut Musik gehört. Ein größeres Kompliment will mir nicht einfallen."
    Tom Frantzen - STEREO - Juni 2016

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    Testbericht 12/2017

    "Ich liebe die Tätigkeit des HiFi-Redakteurs. Bietet sich doch dem „unheilvoll Süchtigen nach dem besten Klang“ mit der Beschreibung derartig hochwertiger Gerätschaften der Eintritt in das High-End-Oberhaus – und genau hier ist die Octave HP 700 zu Hause. Sie versprüht emotionsgeladene Klänge in einer Selbstverständlichkeit, die mir sehr genehm ist. Wohl demjenigen, der sich so etwas für sein eigenes Klang-erleben dauerhaft leisten kann…"
    Alexander Aschenbrunner - HiFi-Stars - Dezember 2017

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    Testbericht 05/2018

    "Octaves ultrastarke Röhren-Monos müssen keinen Lautsprecher scheuen und werkeln trotz ihrer Muskelpakete so zart wie frisch gefallener Schnee. Ein absoluter Ausnahmeverstärker mit betörenden Klangeigenschaften. Die HP 700 - Modular an die Bedürfnisse anpassbarer, durchdachter und absolut praxisorientierter Alleskönner, der auf allerhöchstem klanglichen Niveau arbeitet."
    Roland Kraft - Mai 2018

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